Body Language
Body language is a form of nonverbal communication. Your body language (e.g., clothes, posture, facial expression) sends a message. Making purposeful decisions about your appearance and body language means that you have some control over the message your body language sends.

Suggested Activity
Game: Speak with your Body
Students will discover the importance of their body language for future presentations.
Divide class into pairs.
Students take turns silently send a message to their partner. This means the student will use their whole body (e.g., face, arms, shoulders) to express a chosen phrase from the handout, without using any words.
The other student will watch and try to guess what their message. When they have guessed correctly, it is their turn.
Have a post-game discussion about their experience.
For more ideas check out this word doc:
For more resources...
Poor Presentation Worksheet - This document can be used with a presentation video to help identify mistakes in a presentation.
Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are - This Ted Talk video can help teach relaxation and posture for confidence during a presentation.
Ann Washburn: Body Language: The Key to Your Subconscious - This Ted Talk video talks about how body language sends and controls a message.
Gestures - This PowerPoint provides information on how to use body language and cue cards in presentations.
Presentation Preparation - This PowerPoint offers information on how visual aids, cue cards, and body language are essential to a presentation.