pitching ideas
When pitching an idea, you need to...
Be aware of what you are saying and
how you are saying it.
Pitching an idea usually involves posing a question to a group of people. For example, starting your question like, “What do you think about this idea…” is a great way to signal that you are looking for someone to build from your idea.
Similar to a presentation, you need to be aware of your audience and delivery especially considering your tone of voice.
When responding...
In response to an idea, it is important not to simply say “no,” but continue off the person’s suggestion. For instance, use a signpost and say "I like that, but what if we changed..."
In saying no or using overly critical responses, can create a negative environment where people will not want to share ideas. In response to an idea, try saying: “That’s a good idea” or “I like that, but what about…”
Keep in mind that there are no bad ideas, as the idea may just need some work to make it better.

You can help grow an idea.
the elevator pitch
An elevator pitch is a term used when you are selling someone something within a limited time frame like on the television show, Dragon's Den. Watch the video and then try the Elevator Pitch lesson.