Pronunciation is important for all presenters because a mistake can be confusing for the audience. For those who speak English as a second (or third, or fourth) language, taking the time to practice proper pronunciation is extremely important. Pronunciation is not an intuitive process as it involves specific lessons to learn and practice (e.g., intonation, cadence, stress).
Pre-Intermediate Level
2.3 Pronunciation: Parse words into syllables, understand word stress with the help of a dictionary, final ‘s’ sounds and past tense, work on pronunciation issues unique to the student group.
Intermediate Level
2.4 Pronunciation: Parse words into syllables, understand word stress with the help of a dictionary, pronounce the ‘schwa’, work on pronunciation issues unique to the students/class.
High Intermediate Level
2.5 Pronunciation: Parse words into syllables, understand word stress with the help of a dictionary, understand sentential stress and rhythm, work on pronunciation issues unique to the student group.
Advanced Level
2.4 Pronunciation: Parse words into syllables, understand word stress with the help of a dictionary, work on pronunciation issues unique to the student group.

Suggested Activity
Game: Read my Mouth
Students will develop an appreciation of mouth placement when speaking.
In pairs, a student (or teacher) will silently pronounce a given word without using their voice.
The other student will watch and try to infer what their partner is saying.
When that student correctly guesses the word, it is their turn.
For another activity try Battleship pronunciation
Find out which sound blends and words are giving you difficulty and work hard to smooth out your pronunciation. See the following links for information on phonemic awareness. However, you may need to search online help for your particular difficulty.
Regional difficulties
Some sounds are difficult depending on your first language. Don't worry if you are having a tough time pronouncing certain sounds as there are resources to help you.
For more resources...
Pronunciation Practice Activities - This pdf is a teaching resource book for teaching pronunciation.
Pronunciation Practice - This pdf offers pronunciation games and activities as well as word lists.
Pronunciation Exercises - This pdf provides vowel practice, stress and intonation support.
Praat - Pratt can be used by students to assess their pronunciation.
Wrong Lyrics - This pdf is a lesson to help students understand the importance of pronunciation.
Tongue Cat - This link offers a lesson and activity on articulating vowel sounds.
Race to the Top - This is a game template where students can practice pronunciation.