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It is important to take turns in discussions, but there are exceptions to that rule. However, impatience or frustration are not legitimate reasons to interrupt a speaker. If necessary, wait for an opening then use signpost language to politely speak out of turn.




"I am sorry to interrupt, but..."

"I apologize for interrupting, but..."

"I recognize what you are saying is important, however..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Can you clarify..."

For more resources...


Using English: Teach Turn Taking - This link provides information and signposts for interrupting.


Tefltastic: Interrupting Activities - This link or pdf provides activities to practice interrupting.

Suggested Activity

Game: Polite Interruptions



Students will practice politely using interruption signposts.



  1. After students have learned about interruption signposts, divide students into pairs.

  2. Students will politely interrupt each other using signposts.

  3. After students have had about 5 minutes of interrupting each other, students will decide who was the kindest interrupter.

  4. Have post-discussion on interruptions. 



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