There are many different types and forms of seminars, but all seminars are a place for students and instructors to learn and engage with course material. Through discussion and asking questions, students can tacitly learn and practice using the information, which helps clarify ideas or challenge their assumptions about the course material.

The student's role in seminar
1. Show up
​Seminars become an important component to help students with the learning process. Because of the small class size involved in seminars, they can seem intimidating. Attend seminars so that you can actively engage in the learning process.
2. Be prepared
Of course you should do your homework, however there are other things you should do before attending seminar.
Read your required texts, and take notes while you do so.
If your instructor provided recommended readings, read them! You will need to do your reading and take notes, but you should also read the recommended readings.
Going beyond the minimum expectations will help you have a deeper understanding of the topic.
Also, write down any questions that come up throughout the class lecture or readings to bring with you to the seminar.
3. Listen actively
Similar to being an audience member in a presentation, you need to be respectful and listen with your ears and your body. It is a good idea to take notes and write questions you may have. Different cultures have different expectations around when and how you can interrupt your instructor. In Canada, it is usually okay to raise your hand to ask a question but you need to know how the instructor takes questions. Often, the instructor will say “please interrupt me if you need clarification.” Other instructors prefer to answer all questions after they are done speaking. It is okay to ask what the instructor prefers.
4. Ask questions
Come to the seminar with an attitude to learn. You are taking a course on information that you haven’t learned yet. A growth mindset will help you become a better learner as you should ask questions about things you don’t know, need to know or that you are curious about. In fact, you should come to the seminar prepared with questions that you can't find the answer to.
5. Participate in discussions
Participating in discussions goes beyond asking questions. There are many ways to contribute in a discussion as you can: agree or disagree with content or what was said, give an example, add on to someone’s point, state an opinion or ask a related question. However, you need to wait your turn or use signpost language if you need to interrupt a speaker. Seminars offer a chance for you to understand, analyze and critically think about the course information before you have to hand in an assignment.
6. Be a self regulated learner
Learning is hard work as it is an effortful task. Create good work habits and set deadlines for yourself to complete your work on time.
7. Take care of yourself
It is difficult to be a good student if you are not taking care of yourself. As a student, you need to take care of your whole self, not just the academic side. Self care involves maintaining your health with strategies such as exercise, proper sleep, managing stress, socializing and healthy eating.
Personal Health and Wellness links:
Suggested Activity
Game: 40 Icebreakers for small groups
Students will build community that will enhance seminar group dynamics.
Choose an icebreaker game to play in class. The instructor can model behaviour and help guide students through the game. Have a post-game discussion about the experience and other classroom management expectations.