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email etiquette

Be formal.

Emails to instructors should carry a formal tone. Use the title or name of your instructor. Make sure to include a brief greeting like “Hello (write name)” and a closing statement such as “thank you” since this form of email is not the same as a text message or email with a friend. Also, be sure to sign your email with your first and last name and student number.


Do not write angry emails.

You are entitled to your feelings, however you should not write your email while you are feeling angry. For instance, if you received a grade and you do not like it, do not make a rash decision and write an angry email. Instead, take the night to calm yourself and think about your mark as you may feel differently in the morning.


Do not write long emails.

Consider what you want to know from the instructor. Is it something they can easily reply to through an email? If your email is longer than 100 words, you should consider a face-to-face meeting. Make an appointment with your instructor to have a discussion. Emails should be concise and to the point.


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