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Quick Tips 


Use a monotone voice.

  • A monotone voice is dull and flat. We tend to use monotone when we feel nervous.



Keep your voice tone dynamic. 

  • Your voice is your instrument. 

  • Memorize only key points of your presentation so you do not have a speech that is flat.

  • Practice can help combat your feelings of nervousness about your presentation.



Use your voice as an emphatic tool.

  • Your voice should have emphasis when you are speaking. You can create emphasis by adding stress to a word, or highlighting important words, in a sentence when you are speaking. 

Suggested Activity

Game: Ba-na-NA?



Students will develop awareness of word stress and intonation.



  1. Show students a video with characters from Despicable Me when the Minons say "banana" in various ways to convey emotion or meaning.

  2. Have a short discussion (e.g., meaning, types of emotions, pronunciation).

  3. Divide the class into pairs and have students choose a new word and create a dialogue.

  4. Then have students present their scene to the class. 

  5. Ask audience to describe what happened in the scene.

For More Resources...


Stress and Intonation during a presentation - This video teaches stress and intonation and the importance of using it properly in a presentation.


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